Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Design Question 8: Module 20

Design Question 8: What Will I Do to Establish & Maintain Effective Relationships with Students?

Module 20: Communicating Appropriate Levels of Concern & Cooperation (pgs.251-260)

Discuss your thoughts on the following  recommendations for classroom practice:

  • Knowing something about each student
  • Engaging in behaviors that indicate affection for each student
  • Bringing student interests into the content and personalizing learning activities
  • Engaging in physical behaviors that communicate interest in students
  • Using humor when appropriate


  1. Question 8-Module 20

    Relationships are key to an effective classroom. Students know I am committed and concerned about them as individuals. In the past, if I had a student that had difficulty with any adherence issues, I tried to engage in outside activities with them. I've gone to their soccer games, football games, took them out to eat, etc. This also helped develop a relationship with their family. If I know ahead of time, I've also asked them to come help me set up my classroom.

    I have tried using humor, not sarcasm with difficult students. You have to be ready for a range of responses from the student because this method can sometimes backfire. I've also tried physical behaviors to communicate interest. These can range from a smile, pats on the back, handshakes, etc. Most kids are fine with a hug after they get to know you well.

    1. Val-I think it was a great idea to connect w/ students before school and let them help set up the room!

  2. Relationships are key for the students and families in our building. If they don't feel connected to Irving and to their classroom they will struggle all year. It has been interesting this year at enrollment versus the last two years. The first year I was at Irving they were all checking me out to see how I compared to Larry Perlman. The second year they were trying to see if I was the same person and if they could trust me. This year many parents have come in laughing and connecting with me and stories the kids have told me.
    I tend to be a sarcastic person by nature. My family is sarcastic and sometimes I think what I say is funny but I have to think about the delivery. Sarcasm is not appropriate in the classroom and with children. Sarcasm is even harder when you have students that don't understand the English language.
    I am a firm believer that when you draw the students into what interest them into their learning it makes a difference. I had a student that loved the Jayhawks, poor child, when I graded his paper and he missed something I used a purple marker and wrote Go KSU on it. When I graded his work and it was all correct I would write Go KU. A little connection that we made but it motivated him to do his best.

    1. Jamie-so glad to hear your connections with parents, kids and families are feeling better this year!

  3. Oh how I want my students to know they are valued individuals and that I care about them! I'm thinking I want to do some kind of interest survey at the beginning of our time together this year. Our time is so limited to get to know each other but this has been one of my personal goals the past years because I do want to know what my students like/dislike, what their strengths are, things about their family etc. And using their first name is powerful! I think about how much it means when someone remembers my name and uses it instead of just saying "good morning". I want to do better making it inviting when students enter my classroom.

  4. Making connections with your students transforms your classroom from a room where you teach to a mini family. I consider all my students my "children". I do an interest sheet at the beginning of the year to find those opportunities to connect. I make sure I know what sports or activities they follow and if you know me I'm not a sporty person, but I try to follow their favorite teams and chat with them about what's happening. I try to make it to games and activities out of school, but with kiddos its difficult. I also make sure I ask questions and engage them in the morning when they first come in. They become my children as soon as the year starts and I invest in them just as much and they know I'll support them no matter what.
